“New technologies offer a great way to invigorate instruction, whether in traditional classrooms, online, or in blended learning environments” – Janet Holland & John Holland During the summer of 2018, I partook in an educational field trip to the… Continue Reading →
“Alarmed” by Foomandoonian is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Introduction “It is a fundamental human right to have open access to literature” – John Willinsky – Where would we be if we did not have access to the research, and literature responsible for advancing… Continue Reading →
Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash Introduction Teacher/student motivation and engagement is at the forefront of what we are trying to ameliorate at Fort St. James Secondary School. The new curriculum, as of 2016, gives us the freedom to fully explore cross curricular… Continue Reading →
“Learning is not something that comes from the outside, rather it is something that is already inside us; a spark” – Jeff Hopkins TEDxVictoria The founder of the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry, Jeff Hopkins, recently spoke to… Continue Reading →
The correlation between the researcher, researched, and research is profound. Nothing exemplifies this relationship more than Kitchen Stories, a film by Bent Hamer and Jörgen Bergmark. Through the use of humor, this quasi-documentary demonstrates the futility of objectively utilizing direct… Continue Reading →
Introduction The relationship between research and practice is exemplified when the act of conducting reflective research directly alters and influences one’s own practice. It is not enough to simply teach, but to reflect upon and improve the lessons that are… Continue Reading →
“twitter”by [e-aprendizaje] is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 A newly appointed administrator recently entered my shop space as he enjoys seeing students engaged in project based learning, and has a fondness for speaking to the students about their creations. After… Continue Reading →
When building a house there is nothing more important than planning. When the building starts there are thousands of pieces that must be taken into account, and meld together in perfect order; to achieve as close to a perfect construct… Continue Reading →
To be clear, I am anything but twitterpated about using twitter. I generally choose to work in isolation when given the option. Working alone yields time for me to contemplate and reflect on what I am doing, making, and/or teaching…. Continue Reading →
After reading both Understanding and Describing Quantitative Data by Cathy Lewin and Assessing the Quality of Mixed Methods Research: Toward a Comprehensive Framework by Alicia O’Cathain, I feel as though I have gained insight into a great deal of tension… Continue Reading →
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