To be clear, I am anything but twitterpated about using twitter. I generally choose to work in isolation when given the option. Working alone yields time for me to contemplate and reflect on what I am doing, making, and/or teaching. Since I often prefer to work alone networking has not been high on my priority list. Social media as such, has also never been a part of my identity. Last week was in fact the first time I have ever installed the application on my phone. Since then I have read many tweets, sent out a few tweets of my own, and I have liked a couple of other people’s tweets. I have, however, been stuck trying to identify how I was going to effectively use this as a learning tool; until today that is.Â
After reading Twitter EDU: Your One-Stop-All-You-Need-To-Know-Guide to Twitter by David Truss and after reading a post by Dr. Irvine that read “Could my PLN check out Adam’s tweet here, then retweet and reply to it? Thanks!” I realized that I am able to establish my twitter feed as a group of like minded people that help provide a discourse around problems I am encountering. When I first started my twitter account I followed every group I could see and was blasted by information I did not find relevant. A better way for me to use this technology, at least to start, is to find and follow people that are on a similar path to my own. It may be that this will lead me to find relevant research and create a network that is manageable and meaningful. One day, perhaps I will become twitterpated with twitter.

Image taken from by  Sylvia Duckworth
July 10, 2019 at 6:46 pm
Great read Gary. Like the term Twitterpated.
July 11, 2019 at 8:52 pm
I’m with Trevor on liking your use of twitterpated here! (I had to Google it to find out what it means)
I’m also a fan of working alone, and the contemplation/reflection piece, and I think that’s actually one of the reasons why I like Twitter so much. I get to check in and out as I want, and it’s a space to voice that contemplation/reflection and have further conversation (outside my head!) when I think that could be helpful.
It sounds like you’re taking the right approach to making Twitter work for you. It’s not always an immediate process, but can take a bit of trial and error to find the right people and hashtags!
July 11, 2019 at 11:40 pm
Great post! I agree with Trevor- love the term “twitterpated”