By Gary Soles

month March 2020

Locked Out: Teaching in a COVID world

Preamble I have only been facilitating education as a teacher for the last decade or so, but for the first time since the start of my career, I find myself locked out of the school. Although a necessity in this… Continue Reading →

Digital Literacy: Preparing Students for a 21st Century Trades Reality

Preamble In the modern world of trades education, technology is key. The days of manual production have predominantly passed, and computerized machinery and processes are vital to ensure success in the trades. From the digitization to computerization of machinery, companies… Continue Reading →

Digital Storytelling: Sharing my journey

Preamble I have been pursuing a cross curricular inquiry-based learning framework in my industrial technology courses for the last half of a decade. I have seen the level of student engagement, craftsmanship, creativity, and skills learned all increase at an… Continue Reading →

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